December 21, 2012

020. *blows dust off of blog*

Ahem... hello there blog. Nice to see you again. I wish there was some exciting excuse as to why I've been gone so long, but alas, there is not. I've been working a lot and trying, to no avail, to pass my math class this semester. However, school is over and it's the end of the world, dammit! So I'm writing in my blog because this may well be my last chance.

I've made little to no progress on my 23 in 23 project. I've read a couple books. Lost a little weight. Nothing noteworthy, though. As for my love life, it's been up and down. I will say this: missing someone is possibly the worst emotion a human can experience. It is both uplifting and heartbreaking all at once. It's like sitting underwater, in the calm and quiet, letting your hair float around you and feeling so serene. Then you suddenly realize you can't breathe and the walls of your lungs scream and you rush to the surface to breathe but it isn't there. The air is gone.

Ugh. Anyways, this orange I'm eating is entirely unsatisfactory and I put too much rum in my tea. Woe.

Someone make me continue writing my novel. I tried doing NaNoWriMo, but failed completely. I can't do a damn thing without deadlines and harsh consequences. The only reason I'm as far as I am is because my first three chapters were actually being graded. The life of a procrastinator.

If the world doesn't end, I promise to write more in my blog, write more in my novel, and do something MEANINGFUL. But then, as John Green says, “The real heroes anyway aren't the people doing things; the real heroes are the people NOTICING things, paying attention.” 

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